Monday 30 July 2012

Aphorisms for the road (signs)

Driving in India is an experience--there's no other way to describe it.

When I asked Suresh (our Delhi man) about the solid and dashed lines on the road, he said--with a head wobble--they are just suggestions.

Road signs around Ladakh, Dharmsala, Punjab, Rajastan, and Delhi:

We like you, but not your speed

Slow down, I'm curvacious

Drink whiskey, drive risky

No free left

Touch my curves, but don't go over them

Speed thrills, but kills

Drive carefully, someone is waiting for you at home

Wrong side driving

Drive with care, life has no spare

Your hurry is a cause of worry to your family

Overspeed kills, it cuts like a knife

It is better to be Mr Late than Late Mr

I like this one too, painted on a pillar: Knows aids, no aids

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous!
    "Drive carefully, someone is waiting for you at home" should be posted everywhere around the world.
