Wednesday 18 July 2012

Dalai Lama Arrives in Leh

Today His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in Leh for a holiday and to rest. We joined the school to watch him drive by. Before we lined up on the street, we had some fun with the camera and the Hagrid doll (character from Harry Potter) at the school.
Hagrid is a hit
They love the camera
Along with the rest of the town, we waited for 2.5 hours on the side of the road.
 To pass the time, I pulled out the camera and let them take pictures.
Photo taken by one of the children of Jamyang school
I also got them to sing into the audio recorder--it took a while to convince them, but when I got some sample audio, they loved it. (Will try to upload the audio in another internet session as I forgot to bring my recorder today.)
Introducing the audio recorder

Listening to the playback
No pictures of His Holiness the Dalai Lama--he went by too quickly. I did get to see him for a split second though. He'll be in Leh until August, so no audience with him on my birthday as we had planned.


  1. Looking forward to hearing and seeing what you have recorded once you are home! What a fantastic and amazing trip you are having! Can't wait read your next post!

  2. Lovely! Allyson, you look so relaxed and filled with inner joy!!!

  3. Hagrid told me he doesn't want to go home because he's having so much fun here!
